Forest management on the forest’s terms

ZertiForest™ tarjoaa metsänomistajille hoitokokonaisuutta, joka pitää sisällään useita eri toimenpiteitä, jotka tukevat Climate Smart Forestry-ohjelman tavoitteita.

The measures included in the Climate Smart Forestry (CSF) management package are carried out while preserving the forest and taking into account the special characteristics of each forest area. The goal is to manage the forest sustainably, while increasing its growth potential. This way, the forest lives, grows and sequesters carbon dioxide year after year. Forests are one of the most important carbon sinks, and even an old forest can act as a carbon sink if thinning, planting and maintenance are carried out as planned and with great care. Our operators are trained to work according to the PEFC and FSC environmental certificates.

Forest machines that preserve nature play a key role in the management of forests. In thinning and young forest restoration projects, ZertiForest™ uses forest machines that are easy on the soil and trees due to their light weight and agility. Our partner is the Swedish company Malwa, whose machines are especially well-suited for low-impact forest work.

Every ZertiForest™ forest project starts by listening to the owner’s wishes and goals. We offer a complete package on a turnkey basis, including all the necessary thinning, clearing and planting services. We mound, plant, water the saplings and fertilise according to the needs of the forest. Fertilisation helps the saplings to survive and grow efficiently, which increases biomass. Location data and a time stamp are collected from each planted sapling.

A sustainably managed forest includes various tree species that offer opportunities for different organisms and animals to grow. Biodiversity supports the growth of the forest and the maintenance of a wide spectrum of animal and plant life. We think that coniferous and deciduous trees belong in the same forest.

Our partner in planting saplings is Risutec, whose efficient machines can work in almost any type of forest.

Your forest as a carbon sink?

Every forest or plot to be planted can be a carbon sink.

There is a lot of talk about carbon sinks, emission rights and emissions trading. Simply put, what it means is that companies can offset their carbon dioxide emissions by acquiring emission rights, i.e. by paying different operators for work that sequesters carbon from the earth’s atmosphere into another form. Carbon dioxide cannot be removed from the Earth, but it is bound to a growing forest, for example. If thinning, planting and fertilisation are managed well, the forest will grow efficiently.

ZertiForest offers forest owners a unique opportunity to earn money from the growth of their forest without cutting down trees or selling land. By committing to a carbon sink project, the forest owner can increase the profit from the forest tenfold during the growing season.

How does it work?

Once the forest’s wood and growth potential have been surveyed by scanning, a management plan is created for the forest to monitor the long-term growth forecast. The digital data is then exported to the ZertiCarbon platform which allows the emission rights of the growth to be listed and sold securely. The forest can then be classified as a carbon sink, which in turn can be divided into emission rights based on tonnes of CO2.

It is precisely these tonnes of CO2 that are bought by companies that use them to offset their emissions. When both the forest owner and the buyer of emissions rights make a commitment for years, the forest will be preserved and grow well. ZertiForest offers a perfect service package for this purpose. Together, we can preserve forests and make the Earth a cleaner place to live.